Hasselblad 200 Megapixel Sensor

And if the Hasselblad 50MP sensor isn’t enough for you, they’ve also announced a 200MP sensor, set for release early next year.

This is definitely one for studio use however; hi performance, in terms of frames per second, is not a feature. Rather, seconds per frame is the name of the game here. As in about 30 seconds per frame.

The deal with this sensor is that it moves very slightly and makes a second image of the subject matter, and then combines those into the one final, very high resolution image. As such, this is really suited only for use on a good solid tripod.

The amount of movement experienced is microscopic – like a half a pixel down and a half a pixel across. But it’s enough to let the sensor capture very high resolution images.

Called “Multishot”. expect to see this technology on your ‘Blad next year.